Starting from Massachusetts. On February 5th I officially received my Masters of Science in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. Really that's quite a mouthful to say. Never the less I completed the program and earned the right to say it. Finding myself with a new sense of freedom and a readiness to explore and truly begin a journey as a filmmaker, amongst many other things, across America. As of today, March 4th 2010, I have been to Massachusetts, New Jersey, Baltimore, and Orlando. I got some brand new equipment, a spiffy new Panasonic DVX100B and microphones to match. With camera in hand and Bryan on the mic, I started filming.
Currently in the works are two television pilots, two documentaries, a web series, music video and development of two feature length films. I'm producing all of these projects collaborating with some truly fantastic individuals. My partners in crime: Bryan Peterson, Joseph Sorzano, Morgan Lulas, and Blake Kacyon. I also have to thank all of the people in my life that I am blessed to know and have in my corner.
My primary focus is upon the documentary that I am considering making the first entry in a series. The project hopes to paint a portrait of an American view of love, marriage and commitment. As I travel I am collecting interviews from as many varied individuals that will sit in front of my camera for an hour. With so much debate and deliberation as to what constitutes a marriage in today's American society I felt as though now is the time to get people talking. As of right now I am collecting funds to continue my travels and filming of the project as well as collecting interviews and B roll. The narrative of the project is slowly taking shape. I still need more people to interview and places to stay across the country.
On a more personal note, now that I've officially graduated I have less than six months of breathing room before reality sinks in and I have to start paying back those dreaded student loans. Until then I have six months to do as much as possible for myself, to do the projects I'm passionate about. Six months to create as much as humanely possible, six months to at least make one thing I can say I am proud of. It's an interesting experience, traveling the country with a few bucks in my pocket (literally), a car full of gas, a best friend and stories to share. Perhaps I'll see you all on my travels. I'm always available for a shoot.
Future travel destinations: Cleveland, Pennsylvania, Chicago with return visits to Baltimore and Massachusetts.
S.A. Mossman Photo and Film
S.A. Mossman Photography and Film. Have camera, will travel.
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